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How Successful People Use Focus to Achieve Their Goals

We often see famous or highly successful people as different from us. They are so successful that we view them as having special skills or abilities we will never have. That’s an incorrect assumption.

It isn’t that they are different; they do things differently than we do. High achievers routinely earn their success with the following four methods of directing their intent.

They Aren’t Afraid of Failure

A fear of failure has crushed many dreams. When you begin to play the “what if I fail” game in your mind, you entertain the possibility that you won’t succeed. If this mindset persists, you can convince yourself there’s no use in trying because you will fail. Successful people decide to focus on the best possible outcome. They don’t entertain “what if I fail” thoughts.

Image with the text:  When your goals align with your values, staying focused is much easier.
Aligning goals with values is the key to sustainable success.

They See Success Before They Achieve It

Jim Carrey is a well-known actor and comedian. That wasn’t the case in the early 1990s. He could barely pay his bills and struggled to get by. Yet he always visualized he would be a highly-paid and famous actor. So, he wrote himself a check for $10 million. On it, he wrote “for acting services rendered” and dated it for 1994. He carried this check in his wallet. In 1994, this visionary was offered exactly $10 million for his role in the movie “Dumb and Dumber.”

Visualization is used by the most successful people in the world, regardless of their fields. They focus on a mental picture of them living as if their goal has been achieved. Visualize your success before seeing it; this constant mental focus can work wonders.

Their Goals Are Based on Their Values

Successful people find focus in their values. Their goals are aligned with strong personal beliefs. It makes sense when you think about it. Would you rather be working towards something that doesn’t interest you or something you are passionate about?

Make sure your goals align with your belief systems, and you will be okay focusing on achieving them, even when things get difficult.

Their Focus Is Fueled by Persistence and Resilience

Successful people are not superhuman, though they may appear to be due to their relentless persistence and resilience. They fall and stumble and fail just like you do. When this happens, they get up and return to chasing their dreams. They are resilient. They keep going until they create the outcome they are looking for.

Jennifer is the CEO of a thriving financial services company with 500 employees. She is known for her exceptional focus and unwavering dedication to achieving her goals.

Despite her busy schedule and the constant demands of running a large company, Jennifer always made time to prioritize her focus. She understood that success was not about being different from others but doing things differently. Jennifer believed in four key methods that guided her toward success.
First and foremost, Jennifer was not afraid of failure. She knew that a fear of failure could hinder progress and crush dreams. Instead of dwelling on the possibility of failure, she focused on the best possible outcome and worked tirelessly towards it.

Like a true visionary, Jennifer visualized her success before she achieved it. Just like Jim Carrey, who wrote himself a $10 million check before becoming a famous actor, Jennifer painted a mental picture of her goals being accomplished. This constant mental focus fueled her determination and drive.

Moreover, Jennifer’s goals were deeply rooted in her values. She understood the importance of aligning her goals with her personal beliefs and passions. This alignment gave her the strength to stay focused and motivated, even during challenging times.

Lastly, Jennifer’s focus was fueled by persistence and resilience. She knew that success was not a straight path; it required determination and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Jennifer’s unwavering persistence and resilience propelled her forward, even when faced with obstacles.

By embodying these four key methods of focus, Jennifer was able to steer her company towards greater heights of success. Her story is a shining example of how successful people use focus to achieve their goals. Jennifer’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of unwavering focus and determination.

The success of highly accomplished individuals is not a result of innate differences but rather a reflection of how they approach their goals with unwavering focus. Individuals like Jennifer exemplify the power of focused determination in achieving remarkable success by embracing a fearless attitude towards failure, visualizing success, aligning goals with personal values, and demonstrating persistence and resilience. As you reflect on the insights shared in this post, remember that success is not reserved for a select few but attainable for those willing to do things differently. Take inspiration from the stories of those who have harnessed the transformative power of focus and embark on your journey toward achieving your goals with unwavering determination. Remember, success is not a destination but a journey guided by your focus and dedication. Embrace the principles shared here, and watch your dreams transform into reality.

Some questions to elevate your own focus:

1. How do you approach the fear of failure in your pursuit of success?
2. Can you share a time when visualizing success helped you achieve your goals?
3. In what ways do your values influence the goals you set for yourself?
4. How do you maintain focus and resilience in facing obstacles and setbacks?
5. Have you ever experienced a moment where persistence led to a breakthrough in your journey towards success?
6. What strategies do you implement to ensure your goals align with your core beliefs and values?

Want to speed up finding your focus in today’s chaotic world? Download the “Elevate Beyond Personal Growth” App from the Apple or Google Play store, where you can enjoy my fresh content, take the The Focused Mind course, and even access coaching. The App has a 30-day free trial, so you can explore the current courses as well as see what courses are upcoming.

Watch for my upcoming blog post in my “Focus” blog series, ” How to Stay Focused in a World Full of Distractions” – which addresses the challenges of maintaining focus in today’s fast-paced and constantly connected world. It highlights the overwhelming distractions present in our environment and how they can impact our ability to stay focused on tasks. The blog offers practical tips to enhance focus, including minimizing possessions, using to-do lists, taking breaks, visualizing success, focusing on what works, unplugging frequently, and sharing your plans publicly. By implementing these strategies, readers can improve their focus, productivity, and overall well-being amidst a distracting and stressful world.


This blog post emphasizes that highly successful individuals are not fundamentally different from us but rather employ distinct methods to achieve their goals. It highlights four key strategies successful people use: fearlessly embracing failure, visualizing success before achieving it, aligning goals with personal values, and maintaining persistence and resilience. The narrative of Jennifer, the CEO of a financial services company, illustrates how these strategies can lead to significant success. The post concludes by encouraging readers to adopt these focus-driven approaches and pursue their goals with determination and dedication, emphasizing that success is attainable for anyone willing to do things differently.

Acceptance Is the Key to Unbreakable Mental Strength

Do you ever wish things were different than they really are? We all do from time to time. We look in our world and feel frustrated that we can’t change a set of circumstances or a situation. We wish with every fiber of our being that things were different.

Sometimes we might even create a fantasy land in our minds of a dream reality. This is not the way to become mentally resilient. It doesn’t help you bounce back with strength when something doesn’t go your way. You first have to accept that life has handed you lemons before you can make lemonade.

Sarah had always been a powerhouse in the biotech industry. As the CEO of a leading company, she was accustomed to navigating challenges and making tough decisions. Yet, despite her professional success, Sarah found herself grappling with a personal struggle that seemed to have no easy solution.

One evening, as she sat in her office overlooking the city skyline, Sarah couldn’t shake the feeling of frustration that had been weighing on her for weeks. She had been facing a series of setbacks in her personal life that seemed insurmountable. The pressure of balancing her demanding career with her personal relationships was taking its toll, and Sarah longed for a sense of control over her circumstances.

As she reflected on the words she had read about acceptance and resilience, Sarah realized that perhaps she had been approaching her challenges the wrong way. Instead of fighting against the reality of her situation, she decided to embrace it with a newfound sense of acceptance.

Sarah began to acknowledge the emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface, allowing herself to feel them without judgment. She understood that true strength came from facing adversity head-on, rather than ignoring it or wishing for a different outcome.

In the days that followed, Sarah noticed a shift in her mindset. By taking ownership of her feelings and choosing to respond to her challenges with grace and resilience, she felt a newfound sense of empowerment. She no longer saw her setbacks as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

As Sarah continued to navigate the ups and downs of both her personal and professional life, she carried with her the invaluable lesson that true resilience stems from acceptance. By embracing the reality of her circumstances and taking control of her emotional responses, Sarah found the strength to keep moving forward, no matter what obstacles came her way.

Toughness Doesn’t Mean Ignoring the Facts

Some people believe that if they act tough, then they are tough. If they put on a big show about how nothing keeps them down, they’ll eventually develop the mental grit to get through hard times easily.

The problem is that unbreakable resolve needs to come from inside. It doesn’t have anything to do with how you look or act. It’s a quiet acceptance that things didn’t go your way but that you will be okay anyway.

You can’t ignore the facts that reality is presenting you. You have to give your hardship its moment in the sun. You don’t glorify it, but you don’t simply look away either. You break down what happened and how it’s affecting you negatively. Then you embrace whatever emotions are generated and deal with them in the best way possible.

Image with the text, You can't ignore the facts that reality is presenting you. You have to give your hardship its moment in the sun.
Take ownership of your feelings and actions, for you are the master of your resilience.

After looking objectively at whatever setback you experience, you tell yourself you have the toughness to move past this unfortunate event. You can do this by taking an ownership role in your life.

You and Only You Are Responsible for Your Feelings

Becoming truly unbreakable doesn’t mean you will never experience pain or loss. It simply means that no matter how many times you get knocked down emotionally or perhaps physically, you will keep getting back up.
This is impossible until you accept a very empowering fact.

You’re the only person responsible for your feelings.

There are going to be times when things are out of your control. No one can ever be totally in control of their life. It’s just a fact of the human condition. There will be times when you can’t stop something from happening, and it impacts your life in a very negative way.

While you nor Sarah can’t control the outcome, you always have a choice about how you choose to feel.

Think about how powerful that really makes you. It gives you the chance to be the most resilient and unbreakable person on the planet. Even in the face of the most terrible hardship, you can choose to respond healthily.

By the way, this is a skill that can be learned. You practice it over time. You don’t have to either be born with it or not.

Start accepting that you’re the only person responsible for your feelings and actions. Then show strength of character the next time life knocks you down. Accept the situation for what it is, embrace the reality of what happened, then move on firmly with positive thoughts and emotions.

How do you personally handle situations when things don’t go your way? Do you tend to resist or accept the reality of the circumstances?

Join your fellow high achievers and elevate your resilience at the speed of light with my “Unbreakable: A 9-Step System To Build Unbreakable Resilience” course on the Elevate Beyond App and learn how to bounce back quickly from life’s challenges. Discover the power of resilience and the benefits it brings in overcoming setbacks. Enroll now to access a proven nine-part system for developing mental toughness, persistence, and adaptability.

Take charge of your resilience journey and unlock your potential for enduring success. Get immediate access to the “Elevate Beyond Personal Growth” App from the Apple or Google Play Store. This $199 course is now in the Mastery Membership, which includes a 30-day free trial, PLUS you can gain access to over $5,000 of our other great courses covering Resilience as well as Clarity, Necessity, Energy, Personal Development, Overwhelm & Exhaustion.

Want to learn more about elevating above the barriers holding you back? Check out “From Struggling to Thriving” blog.

Watch for my upcoming blog post in my “Resilience” blog series; “Love Your Enemies to Develop Unbreakable Resilience”: Discover the surprising key to unbreakable resilience – loving your enemies. In our upcoming blog, we delve into a Buddhist teaching that challenges conventional wisdom. Learn how forgiving those who hurt you can empower you, build mental strength, and keep you in control of your emotions. Find out why choosing forgiveness over retaliation is the ultimate act of resilience. Stay tuned for a fresh perspective on building inner strength and resilience like never before.

True mental strength lies in accepting reality as it is, rather than wishing for a different outcome. By acknowledging setbacks, embracing emotions, and taking ownership of our feelings, we can cultivate unbreakable resilience. Remember, you are in control of how you respond to life’s challenges, and by choosing to face adversity with acceptance and positivity, you empower yourself to bounce back stronger each time.

Embrace the power of acceptance, take charge of your emotions, and pave the way for unshakeable mental strength on your journey toward personal growth and resilience. Download the “Elevate Beyond Personal Growth” app from the Apple or Google Play Stores for immediate access. You have nothing to lose, the Mastery Membership includes a 30-day free trial.